The Importance and Impact of Building Envelope Maintenance

Keeping up with building envelope inspections and maintenance plays an important role in the upkeep and security of your Strata property. Not only does it help reduce costs over time, but it can also alleviate undo stress due to unexpected structural failures from a lack of maintenance.

Kallio Restoration has been providing building envelope maintenance and repairs to our Lower Mainland customers for years, helping them to decide what work is required and how it will be implemented.

So …What is a Building Envelope?

The building envelope includes all the building components that separate the indoors from the outdoors. The performance of the building envelope is impacted by a number of sub‐systems, such as heating, cooling and ventilating equipment, plumbing and electrical systems.

The interaction of the sub‐systems with the components of the building envelope, as well as certain activities of the occupants, can affect the performance of the building envelope overall.

The building envelope should maintain durability and keep out…

• temperature extremes

• moisture

• dust

• wind

The Importance of Building Envelope Maintenance

There should be significant importance placed on each building envelope component, as they integrate with each other as a complete system. Keeping deterioration and decay at bay is a multi-faceted process, and leaving out one part of the building envelope can lead to expensive repairs to the entire envelope over time.

In fact, the coastal climate in BC nearly requires a regular inspection program to stay on top of your building envelop maintenance and repairs. Detecting problems early by an experienced professional is vital to ensuring they don’t turn into a crisis. This keeps costs down and concerns to a minimum.

What Happens if a Building Envelope Isn’t Treated as a Complete System?

If a building envelope is not treated as a complete system, individual components can be easily compromised during targeting repairs. By ignoring one aspect of your building envelope, inevitably your put the entire structure in potential jeopardy, which is easily avoidable with complete system care.

What Does a Complete Building Envelope Include?

A complete building envelope includes such things as…

  • External Paint and Protective Wood Stain on Exposed Wood
  • The Roof and Overhangs
  • Residential Windows and Exterior Doors
  • Sealant, Cladding and Exhaust Ducts
  • The Foundation
  • Decks and Balconies

A building envelope requires regular inspections and maintenance to ensure the structure and sound nature of all its parts. As the building itself ages, the structure will as well.

At Kallio Restoration, we can help you put together a building envelop maintenance and repair plan for your Strata property. As a building envelope restoration contractor, we specialize in the exterior restorations, repairs and maintenance of multi-family Strata units in Richmond, Burnaby, Vancouver, Langley, Surrey, White Rock – and the surrounding communities.

Receive a FREE QUOTE for all your Building Envelope Restoration and maintenance needs, helping to maintain your structure affordably across the Lower Mainland – both now and for years to come.