Understanding Your Return on Investment with Exterior Remodeling

Exterior remodeling might seem like an added expense that homeowners or your Strata can hold off on. Which is why understanding the return on your investment with exterior remodeling is important.

With it being such a big undertaking and expenditure, making the right decisions for your remodel is important. As is choosing the right exterior remodeling company. Getting it right the first time is paramount – and we’re here to help you sift through which exterior remodeling projects can offer you the best ROI to ensure that happens.

Exterior Remodeling Adds to Curb Appeal

Improving your home’s curb appeal can pay off in many ways. This rings true for Strata-based condos and townhouses also. Not only does the exterior set the tone for a home, it also adds to the potential safety of what’s happening on the interior.

An unsightly “wet stain” may not be a simple discolouring. It could actually point to a leak inside the walls that would slowly erode the infrastructure of your space.

Kallio Restoration makes it a priority to assess your home or building’s structural integrity, ensuring your property is structurally sound before conducting an exterior reno such as Cladding Replacement.

We are experts in the removal and replacement of many types of wall cladding including…

  • Stucco
  • Fibre Cement (Hardie, Allura)
  • Sheet Metal
  • Vinyl siding
  • Cedar

When it comes to safety, cost becomes a secondary concern. But rest assured; siding replacement is known to have up to a 75% ROI – bring both curb appeal and structural integrity to your home.

Exterior Remodeling: Window and Door Replacement

Window and door replacements are another exterior remodeling considerations. And with an ROI of up to 74% on doors and 73% on windows – it is money well spent.

As mentioned in our Window & Door Replacements blog…

Within the climate that we have here on the west coast of BC, window and door replacements play a key role in keeping your home an energy efficient space.

Renovating the windows and exterior doors in your home will help you prevent drafts and save energy. Energy-efficient windows and doors are built to insulate better, equipped with a range of features that help prevent heat loss in the winter, and heat gain in the summer.

Keep in mind, that while window and door replacements are an excellent start to an energy efficient 2021, it is also important to treat the building envelope as a complete system. Otherwise, new windows installed poorly could damage other components.

Interested to learn more about an exterior renovation? Receive a FREE QUOTE for your home or Strata property in Richmond, Burnaby, Vancouver, Langley, Surrey, White Rock or throughout Metro Vancouver.

We look forward to helping homeowners and Strata’s to assess, plan and execute your high quality projects with ease.